This class has the highest magic ratings of all the job classes, with spectacular resistance to magic attacks as well. Any character using this job will best be served by staying on the fringes of battle as they are weak against physical attacks. However, by taking advantage of an enemy's elemental weakness, the Elementalist can inflict a surprising amount of damage.

Originals [Element]
Crush Earth-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving.
Freeze Water-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving.
Fire Fire-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving.
Vortex Wind-elemental magic attack. Cannot be used after moving.

Personal Skills
Elementalist Eqp. Allows the unit to equip Elementalist equipment.
Wait & Heal MP Recovers MP when the unit uses the Wait command without moving.
Crisis Conserve MP Reduces the MP cost of skills by 25% when the unit is in Crisis status.
Magic Block Randomly nullifies magic attacks.
MAG +25% Increases the unit's magic parameter by 25%.